Norsk forening for internasjonal rett avholder medlemsmøte onsdag 13. oktober klokken 15:00 hvor Sondre Torp Helmersen vil lansere sin nylig publiserte bok The Application of Teachings by the International Court of Justice (Cambridge University Press 2021).
Medlemsmøtet blir denne gangen arrangert i et hybrid format. De som ønsker å delta fysisk er velkomne i Det juridiske fakultets nybygg Domus Juridica, som ligger i Kristian Augusts gate 17. Vi møtes i rom 6223, i byggets sjette etasje.
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Under møtet vil forfatter og førsteamanuensis Sondre Torp Helmersen presentere boken, og Senior Research Fellow Jörg Kammerhofer vil komme med en forberedt kommentar.
Her er forlagets sammendrag av boken:
How do the judges of the International Court of Justice, the most authoritative court in international law, use teachings when deciding cases? This book is the first book-length examination of how teachings are used in an important international institution. It uses three different methodologies: a traditional legal analysis, an empirical analysis where citations of teachings are counted and interviews with judges and staff. Three main patterns are identified: teachings have generally low weight, but this weight varies between different works and between different judges. The book suggests explanations for the patterns it identifies, in order to contribute to understanding not only when and how teachings are used, but also why, and compares the Court’s practice with that of other international courts and tribunals. This study fills a gap in the international legal literature and will be essential reading for scholars and practicing international lawyers.