Vår svenske søsterforening, Svenska ILA, organiserer et hybrid seminar til ære for Marie Jacobsson 24. januar, som NFIR-medlemmer er velkomne til å delta på:
The Swedish Branch hereby warmly invites you to a one-day symposium in honor of Ambassador Marie Jacobsson. As you may know, Marie was formerly the Principal Legal Advisor on International Law at the Swedish MFA and Special Rapporteur of the International Law Commission, and she is a long-standing board-member of the Swedish Branch. The symposium will be held in hybrid-format on January 24, with the event taking place at Stockholm University, and the program features a stellar selection of speakers. Please find more information in the attached program.
If you wish to participate online via Zoom there is no need to register in advance, and you may access the symposium through the following link: click here.
If you’d like to participate on-site, you’ll find more information in the program about how to register for the event (by January 22).
We hope that the symposium will be of interest to you and your members and wish you all a great weekend.