Vår moderforening, International Law Association, har nylig opprettet en komité som skal studere lovvalgsspørsmål i internasjonal voldgift («Conflict-of-laws issues in International Arbitration»):
A new ILA Committee on Conflict-of-laws issues in International Arbitration was established in November 2024.
Two Introductory Sessions will take place online on 18 February 2025: the first at 9am (CET), the second at 5pm (CET).
The Co-Chairs, Dr Nikolaus Pitkowitz and Ms Wendy Lin and Co-Rapporteurs, Dr Mariel Dimsey and Prof Dr Matthias Lehmann will introduce the work of the Committee and answer any questions members may have.
Members wishing to participate and contribute to the work of this Committee are encouraged to attend one of these sessions. You are welcome to reach out to the Committee at ILA-CLC-Committee@pitkowitz.com
- Session 1: 9am CET (8am UTC / 4pm HKT) Meeting Link
- Session 2: 5pm CET (11am ET / 8am PT, 19 Feb) Meeting Link
Further information about the first webinar is available below:
Conflict-of-laws issues in International Arbitration Committee – Teaser Document
For mer informasjon om komiteen, se dens nettside hos ILA.
Hver nasjonal ILA-avdeling kan nominere ett medlem og ett varamedlem til ILA-komiteer. Norsk forening for internasjonal rett er alltid interessert i å nominere kandidater. Om du kunne tenke deg å bli nominert som foreningens representant, ta kontakt med styreleder Stian Øby Johansen.